Explore your spiritual side.

Palm reading, tarot card reading, psychic reading, chakra balancing treatments, spiritual healings. Learn more about yourself and be the best version of yourself.

Psychic Reader Meditation House

A place to come and be open-minded, relaxed, be yourself, and listen and learn. People often come to me for readings because they are at a crossroads in their life and need guidance. I use my psychic abilities to help them find the answers they are seeking and to give them hope for the future. My readings can provide insight, clarity, and direction. So when you leave after one of my services, I hope I bring light and understanding to you and get you motivated!

Palm Reading ~ $50

Reading the lines in the palm and understanding their connections can reveal a lot about yourself and your character—more about who you are and what your role is. Looking three months into the future, this type of reading can help you understand the path you are on and what the future has in store for you! Estimated time 30 minutes.

Tarot Card Reading ~ $80

Is a layout of your past, present, and future; the cards will lay out according to what the future holds for you. It can tell you about the current situations, decisions, and challenges that you are facing presently—in love, career, and finance. Looking six months into the future, this type of reading will help you understand the direction or change that is coming! Estimated time 45 minutes.

Psychic Reading ~ $100

It’s done through reading a person’s energy, using senses. It can tell you a detailed reading of yourself and also provide insights into others in your life. If you have many questions, concerns, doubts, or uncertainties about various areas in your life, looking one year into the future, this type of reading will cover all aspects. Love, marriage, business, career, school, finance, health, and much more. Estimated time over an hour.

Spiritual Reading ~ $190

A full life psychic reading, a combination of palm, tarot card, and psychic reading, is a great way to gain insight into your life path and future. This type of reading can help you understand the challenges you will face and how to best overcome them. Estimated time over an hour.

Chakra Balancing ~ $250

A balanced chakra can provide you with a sense of physical and emotional wellbeing. Chakra balancing or alignment is known to help with the following ailments: health, anxiety, stress, emotional wellbeing, increased self-esteem, love life, intuition, finding your life path. The sounds of a singing bowl offer respite from the everyday churning of the mind, and so does meditation.

Crystal Meditations ~ Call for pricing

Meditation, in its simplest terms, refers to learning how to pay attention. When used properly, meditation allows you to slow down and observe the world without judgment. The key to learning to practice meditation is to accept the world around you from a place of curious observation. This meditative practice may soon spill into other areas of your life as you notice yourself observing rather than reacting during difficult situations or times of worry.

“Great experience! Tracy was so kind & honest. She clarified a lot of confusion I had about what was going on in my life and how I was feeling.”

Jasmine D

My readings can provide insight, clarity, and direction.

I hope I bring light and understanding to you and get you motivated!